Vendor Preparation


Piedmont Fresh's onboarding process is as follows: 

  1. Application - We review eligibility.

  2. You will be sent a Manual and Operating Agreement. Please read the manual and sign the operating agreement.

  3. Upload and/or submit any relevant certifications, proof of insurance, approved labeling etc. Minimum Certifications and Licenses.

  4. Food Safety policy is reviewed. If you do not have a food safety policy, we can help guide you in developing one. We recommend that you participate in a food safety workshop.

  5. Once all of the above has been received, approved and agreed, we set a date for our Piedmont Fresh platform orientation with the Food Hub manager.

  6. Piedmont Fresh account created.

  7. Producer enters products to be sold. Producer builds profile on Piedmont Fresh platform. Profile Template.

  8. Producer sets meeting with marketing coordinator to discuss branding and marketing strategy.



All products must be clearly labeled.

  • Item name ex. Broccoli

  • Party responsible for packaging ex. Moby’s Greenhouse

  • Quantity of item ex. 1 bunch


The following requirements apply to ALL prepared food, including those prepared in a commercial kitchen. Use water-proof labels.

  • Name of product (ex. Sweet Pepper Jelly)

  • List of all ingredients (which should also be listed in your online product description)

  • List of locally-sourced ingredients

  • Name, address and phone number of where food was prepared, business license number, if available

  • Net weight, volume or numerical count

  • Production date (if shelf stable, month-year is acceptable)

  • Storage instructions, if not shelf stable, and any necessary cooking or reheating instructions.